If you want to watch a movie so surreal that it feels like it is just you, watching from a distance, as a certain family goes to through hurdles to retain longevity, then you should see Lionheart. In all hype and noise, Lionheart stands in the rubble, undeterred, whilst it goes ahead to break through clichés, stereotypes and the nerve jerking predictable story lines always churned out with few polishing. So it is safe to say; I did not expect the ending. I expected like a big BOOM where the protagonist Adaeze (Genevieve Nnaji) saves the day, but still the ending was very real life and a great moral lesson particularly for people in business. Also I loved how they movie was able to incorporate how lives were ruined by the 'Change' in government. How people were are forced to make huge gambles just to stay afloat. In all diamonds: the rubies, the topazes, the sapphires, the hyacinths, the crystals, the peridotes, the amethysts, the emeralds.... Lionheart is a Sa...
A woman who looks well and gets what she wants.